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How One Tree Became Israel's Symbol of Hope

23+ hour, 21+ min ago — 

...The Etsion Block found itself under siege, cut off from the rest... ...in the region, establishing what would become known as the Etsion Block... ...its independence – the Etsion Block fell.... ...A view of the orchard of Kfar Etzion and the Kibbutz above it....

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Working with conscience

1+ day, 5+ hour ago — 

...That was our real estate agent walking us through the seller’s disclosure... ...Susan and I remembered the phone call she made six or seven years... ...Paul Lutheran Church in Davenport, Iowa.... ...Marty is editor/publisher of the Century and senior pastor of St....

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False Narrative about Kamala unravels

2+ day, 12+ hour ago — 

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Design Is Independent of Any Religious Claim

2+ day, 15+ hour ago — 

...In this article I will explain why, as someone who is agnostic about... ...fine-tuning of the properties of matter for life as it exists on Earth... ...And Fred Hoyle famously proclaimed: And so it is with water.... ...Paul Davies saw the fine-tuning of the cosmic constants as conveying...

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Reconciling with estranged son

2+ day, 17+ hour ago — 

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Today's Readings: Wed 24 Jul 2024

3+ day, 20+ hour ago — 

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Responding to Project 2025

4+ day, 11+ hour ago — 

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The Unlikely Red-Green Alliance

4+ day, 23+ hour ago — 

...Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, the host of Eyes on Israel, recently delved... ...In a recent episode, Wolicki hosted Isabella Tabarovsky, a scholar... ...Chinese Communist Party (CCP).... ...Yuki Iwamura/AFP via Getty Images....

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Mushrooms Help Turn Toxic Brownfields into Blooming Meadows

1+ week, 13+ hour ago — 

...frequented by birds and pollinators: and it’s thanks to Danielle Stevenson... ...An environmental toxicologist in California is cleaning up areas...